Resin Doll Gallery
Q - Z Doll Names
Shani (Nevaeh Mary)
Shani was offered during June of 2022 as Kaye's last big preorder before her retirement.
This beauty was first available in porcelain then cast in resin as Nevaeh Mary in a limited edition.
She was offered in the MSD MeiMei size in darkest tan, coffee tan, tan, and sunkissed with a factory faceup.
Edition Open.
Sienna in Sunkissed resin on the Abby MSD size body was reproduced from the porcelain doll Sini and sold in the Australian Winter 2018.
An artist-enhanced in-stock Sunkissed resin edition of 40 dolls was released to the public on July 8th & 9th, 2018 in 2 lots of 20; both lots sold out in under 2 minutes (together) that means under a minute each lot!!! A pre-order followed due to public demand on the 14th July to 17th July 2018 where a further 100+ sold.
SIENNA in Coffee Tan resin LE50 on the Abby size MSD body found their home in late 2019.
Edition Closed.
Talyssa is 17" tall, has been produced as human and Elf and in a variety of colours. Edition open.
Tanzie is about 23" tall and is an Elf.
Edition open.
Thistle is SD size approx 23" tall, sculpted as an Elf and released in pink resin and grey resin. A fair resin sample belongs in Kaye's personal collection as shown below. Thistle in a human version may be released in future. Edition open.
Tobi is about 23" tall (SD Size) and has a very slender body.
She was available in dark tan, smoke grey, sunkissed and fair coloured resins.
Edition open.
Tobi MSD Size
Tobi's slender body was scaled down into a MSD sized version in 2018.
Edition Open.
Toni was presented on the same body as Tobi's downsized body shown above.
Edition Open.