The Resin Cafe
There are many boards to explore including a members gallery, information about my dolls and a members marketplace for second-hand doll sales and accessories.
Regarding Preorders
I no longer run my own pre-orders, they are run by Ivy Lee (owner of the factory who has been producing my dolls for many years) and the dolls will be shipped directly from Ivy to my customers.
You can see if anything is available currently to preorder by heading over to this link https://kazekids.com/
FaCebook Communities
Kaye Wiggs BJD Q&A - this group is run by kaye who can answer all your questions. please read the rules and announcements before posting.
There is a file at this Facebook group listing links to Etsy sellers for all your doll accessories and clothing needs.
Kaye Wiggs BJD - this is a fan group run by fans for general buy, sell, swap, conversations and photo sharing.
Jazzy Fran Cappetta Facebook Group - Fantasy & Character Doll Clothes & Accessories