Hope was made to raise money for a Charity called “3 Angels Nepal” in 2011.
Hope was our biggest ever seller and we raised approximately $90,000 US Dollars!! The support we got from collectors when selling Hope was overwhelming and made me so happy and grateful to be able to be part of this.
The money was used to help rescue young girls who were sold into prostitution and slavery by setting up manned booths at the border to stop the rickshaws etc before they could take the girls out of Nepal.
3 Angels also used some of the money to buy land for growing the vegetables etc for the orphanage where they housed the girls who were rescued and they purchased a water truck and water pumping facility so they now supply water to surrounding villages which brings them an income so they can continue their rescue work and help meet the expenses for the orphanage.
The fair skin Hope is OOAK and was made as a gift for a sick friend. The other photos are the water truck and pumping station and some of the rescued girls at the orphanage where they are taught basic schooling as well as skills for when they leave the orphanage, so they can support themselves.
Below are messages I received from people who operate 3 Angels Nepal letting me know what they are doing with the money we sent. They mention the motor scooter they wanted to buy for the girls to travel to the border booths where they watch to rescue the girls who are being trafficked. You can see the motor scooter in one of the photos above.
Dear Kaye,
Thanks again for being part of something big transforming the lives of those in need ------ what a change occurs in the lives of those we rescue for you only need to look on their faces
The basic concept is rescue, rehabilitate, restore and I did see this in reality in a number of villages I visited ie 2 prostitutes with sewing machines that came to the safe haven are now paying their way by teaching sewing and making clothes in their village and are happy, another girl (Susheila) who was rescued after being sexually hardened in now manning the border crossing booth at Dhargardi
So we are seeing results with many of our girls working in the 14 orphanages as assisting house parents ------ all of the workers for 3 angels double as house parents for 25 children each and I set up Hope Nepal and the CEO also will act as a house parent for 25 more children
There is obviously much more to share and we at Forever Friends are grateful for your support as we together make a wonderful difference in the lives of the poor and needy
I was able to spend some 3-5 hours with the Deputy Prime minister of Nepal and the minister of Development and they greatly admire and support the work of 3 angels and our new NGO in Nepal which we have named Hope Nepal a subsidiary of 3 Angels------ the Deputy Prime Minister addressed a major public gathering in Pokhara as did other officials and had 2 interviews on National Radio but what shocked me was his threat which he repeated on each to the Nepalese Mafia not to harm either myself or Helen because of the work that we are doing in trafficking.
God is Good
God Bless and I hope above meets with your approval
Here are some pics of the girls learning to knit and make carpet so they can sell to raise money.
I have put * where the names of the persons who are communicating with me because I have not asked them if it is okay to share the messages. I doubt they would mind but I just wanted to be careful.
Hi Kaye,
Seeing L*** has been talking to you I should update you with what happened. I have been to far west Nepal with L*** and Bhim for the last week, just came back last night.
Actually, before we went west we took L*** to look at some land that we hope to use for a school and for building our childrens homes. It is a little over an hour out of Pokhara on the top of a mountain, it is quite amazing actually. They say on a clear day there is a beautiful view of the mountains. It is maybe 27 acres, Lyle is saying 35 but it is not that much. It is excellent agriculture land which is what we want so that we can grow our own vegies. It has a new building that is in a square with a courtyard in the middle, being very well built. It is owned by a guy who is Nepali but he has contacts in Japan. They will at least complete the ground floor before it is bought. There are some Koreans looking at it so we need to grab it immediately and put a deposit on it. So maybe three or four thousand dollars of your money will go to this. Wish you could see it.
Lots of flat playing area and another big growing area behind the building. That is where we want to move our children who are all in rented buildings.
Next we went far west, at the Nepalganj border, we need to buy a motorscooter for the girls working at the booth, right now it is very hot and the Govt will not allow the booth to be beside the road, it has to be 25 metres or more back so the girls have to take turns standing in the hot sun watching for any suspicious looking situations. They also have to walk 3 km in the heat to work and then back in the afternoon. L*** has told them to buy a table with an umbrella for the girls to sit beside the road. I told him I felt you would be happy for your money to cover these things. He also is arranging a camera so that they can see what is coming on the screen.
After that we went to what is called the slavery area, these people are called Chaudary’s they are very low caste untouchables almost as low as the Badi’s, there are two sisters there who were in Safe Haven, they were at risk and not out of a brothel. L*** looked at a piece of land where he wants to build a building that will be used as a clinic, possible adult education and they will use it for church one day a week. The two sisters will come to Pokhara and learn basic first aid and how to take blood pressure and sugar tests also they will teach hygiene and as much as can be done without a doctor, then they will arrange for any serious things to be taken to a doctor or hospital. I think Lyle is hoping that we can build this building with your money also, not sure how much that will be. It will only be very basic.
One more Safe Haven girl who is a Chaudhary will also do this training, she has been here in the Safe Haven until very recently, a very nice hard working girl. I did not take a photo of the land for this clinic come community centre, it is a smallish piece and near to a nice forest. I think the last cost is $7,000.00. It is also near to the home of the two sisters who will do the clinic work and whatever else we can teach them. Very nice girls.
Then back here in Pokhara we are always having water problems, every house has to buy water and here at Rajendras house when there are a number of girls downstairs - they use a lot of water. We want to put in a bore and get a tank truck and sell water. Lots of houses are being built so there is a lot of potential customers even over and above our 12 childrens homes. I think the cost for all this is around $15,000.00, that may not include the tanker to carry the water around. If this can make some income then that will be a blessing. We intend to drill on the block which belongs to Safe Haven so this is a Safe Haven project.
Anyway you, precious ladies, this is just a bit of an idea of what we are hoping and planning for the near future. There will be huge costs for the land for the Childrens Homes but all that has to be calculated and discussed with the owner and all that. So I will keep you posted.
This land will also be used for any Safe Haven girls who are working permanently or semi-permanently for 3 Angels. We plan to have some sewing or carpet making or whatever for girls who have no home to return to etc. In town here the programs will still run that are currently running.
Please feel free to ask any questions and I will answer them if I can.
With love and gratitude,
2019 OOAK doll auctioned to aid drought and bush fire relief in Australia
I have not named her so her new owner can name her. She is 17" tall on MeiMei body. She is hand painted by me with a mani and pedi and slight blushing on her chest.
Her wig is Tibetan skin and made by Renee for AnnieEDesigns on Etsy.
Her dress is made by Jazzy Fran on Etsy.
She will come with her cloth doll made by Deena from DeenasCountryHearth on Etsy.
She will come signed and numbered in her head cap and with her own certificate.
December 19, 2019 final update:
Her new owner has named her Jedda Kaye.