Kaye Wiggs
Award winning Artist, Sculptor
About Me
I first started making porcelain reproduction dolls in 1989 and then sculpted my first doll in 1990.
Soon after, I began designing dolls for an Australian company called Dolls From Down Under.
I also made molds for reproduction mold companies in the USA and later designed dolls for the Home Shopping Network. After many years in the industry, I decided to take a break from doll making.
In about 2004 or 2005, I discovered Resin BJD's and began sculpting again. Initially, I made small numbers of limited edition dolls and cast them myself but became allergic to the resin.
I was recently awarded the Dolls magazine Lifetime Achievement Award, which to me was the highlight of my career!
I no longer run my own pre-orders, they are run by Ivy Lee (owner of the factory who has been producing my dolls for many years) and the dolls will be shipped directly from Ivy to my customers.
You can see if anything is available currently to preorder by heading over to this link https://kazekids.com/
In the past, my dolls have been offered for pre-order through Jpopdolls. I am no longer associated with Jpopdolls and any orders or dolls sold from Jpopdolls are their own responsibility. Unfortunately, I am unable to assist you with those sales. If you have a problem, please contact Jpodolls directly for assistance.
I advise everyone to do thorough research when dealing with any business.